Title: My playlist 1
Type: HTML
Description: Created using html elements, videos are loaded and played from the server.
Title: My playlist 2
Description: Created by loading a Youtube playlist, videos are loaded and played from Youtube.
Title: My playlist 3
Description: Created using HTML elements, videos are loaded and played from the server or Youtube.
Title: My playlist 5
Type: XML
Description: Created using a XML file, videos are loaded and played from the server or Youtube.
Title: My playlist 4
Description: Created using a folder with mp4 files, videos are loaded and played from the server.
Title: My playlist 1
Type: HTML
Description: Created using html elements, videos are loaded and played from the server.
Title: My playlist 2
Description: Created by loading a Youtube playlist, videos are loaded and played from Youtube.
Title: My playlist 3
Description: Created using HTML elements, videos are loaded and played from the server or Youtube.
Title: My playlist 5
Type: XML
Description: Created using a XML file, videos are loaded and played from the server or Youtube.
Title: My playlist 4
Description: Created using a folder with mp4 files, videos are loaded and played from the server.
Marc Anthony
Marc Anthony performing Vivir La Vida.
Marc Anthony
Marc Anthony performing Vivir La Vida.
For more information about this please follow this link
Marc Anthony
Marc Anthony performing Vivir La Vida.
Marc Anthony
Marc Anthony performing Vivir La Vida.
For more information about this please follow this link
Each video can contain a short description, the description can be formatted with CSS as you like.
Each video can contain a detailed description, the description can be formatted with CSS as you like. The description window and description button can be disabled individually for each video or globally for all videos.
For more information about this please follow this link
Marc Anthony
Marc Anthony performing Vivir La Vida.
Marc Anthony-Vivir La Vida
Each video can contain a detailed description, the description can be formatted with CSS as you like. The description window and description button can be disabled individually for each video or globally for all videos.
For more information about this please follow this link
Marc Anthony-Vivir La Vida
Marc Anthony-Vivir La Vida.
Marc Anthony
Marc Anthony performing Vivir La Vida this link
Each video can contain a short description, the description can be formatted with CSS as you like.
Each video can contain a detailed description, the description can be formatted with CSS as you like. The description window and description button can be disabled individually for each video or globally for all videos.
For more information about this please follow this link