Download Profile: Microsoft Math 3.0 Full

 Download Profile: Microsoft Math 3.0 Full

Microsoft Math is a set of mathematical tools that can help you get your work done quickly and easily. The primary tool in Microsoft Math is a full-featured scientific calculator with extensive graphing and equation-solving capabilities. You can use it just like a handheld calculator by clicking buttons, or you can use your keyboard to type the mathematical expressions that you want the calculator to evaluate. Microsoft Math also supports ink input for Tablet PC users and ultra-mobile PC users. Additional math tools help you evaluate triangles or convert from one system of units to another. Use the patch to activate it forever. Enjoy.

You can use Microsoft Math for the following tasks:

  • Computing standard mathematical functionsA mathematical relationship between variables in which the value of one variable determines a unique value for another variable, such as roots and logarithmsThe power to which a base must be raised to equal a given number.
  • Solving equationsA mathematical statement that two expressions, usually separated by an equal sign, are of the same value and inequalities.
  • Solving triangles.
  • Converting measurements from one unit to another.
  • Computing trigonometric functions, such as sineFor a given angle in a right triangle, a trigonometric function equal to the length of the side opposite the angle divided by the hypotenuse and cosineFor a given angle in a right triangle, a trigonometric function equal to the length of the side adjacent to the angle divided by the hypotenuse.
  • Performing matrixA rectangular array of mathematical elements. For example, the coefficients of linear equations, whose rows and columns can be combined with those of other arrays to solve problems and vectorA quantity that has both magnitude and direction. Examples of vectors include force and velocity operations, such as inverses and cross-products.
  • Computing basic statistics, such as meanThe sum of all the elements of a set divided by the number of elements in the set. Also called arithmetic mean or average. and standard deviationA statistical measure of the amount by which a set of values differs from the arithmetical mean, equal to the square root of the mean of the differences' squares.
  • Performing operations on complex numbersA number in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i = sqrt(-1) , so that bi is imaginary unless b = 0.
  • Plotting 2D and 3D graphs in CartesianA pair of coordinates that give the location of a point on a plane (relative to an origin and two perpendicular axes), or a set of three coordinates that give the location of a point in space (relative to an origin and three mutually perpendicular planes), polarA pair of coordinates that locate a point in a plane by specifying the length of a radius vector and the angle it makes with a horizontal line, cylindrical, and sphericalA set of coordinates used for locating a point in space representing its distance from some origin and two angles describing its orientation relative to perpendicular axes extending from that origin coordinates.
  • Finding derivativesA function derived from another function so that at each point of the original function, the derivative represents the slope of the original function at that point. and integralsAlso called an anti-derivative, the indefinite integral of a function is the function that has the original function as its derivative., limitsA number that is arbitrarily close to the value of a given function for all values of the function's independent variable sufficiently close to, but not equal to, a given number (or positive or negative infinity)., and sums and products of seriesA (possibly infinite) sum of indexed terms..
  • Finding, plotting, and solving common formulas and equations.

Platform: Windows Xp/7/8
Version: 3.0.1184.1020
Filesize: 40.51 Mb
Added on: Thu Jun 13 1:41:05 CEST 2013
Downloads: 8
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